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Call : +91-98780-34000
Helpline : +91-98140-22276
Mail : holyfami@gmail.com
Address : 170, Shaheed Udham Singh Nagar, Jalandhar (PB) India
Dr. (Mrs.) Surjeet Kaur
MBBS & M.SDr. Surjeet Kaur (M.S) Director of Parivaar test tube baby centre. Dr. Surjeet Kaur did her MBBS & M.S from RNT Medical College Udaipur, Rajasthan. She worked in Sewak Ram Hospital for 4 years. In 1981 she laid the foundation of Parmar Hospital in Rainak bazaar. In 1994 the hospital shifted to Saheed Udham Singh Nagar and the name was changed to Holy Family Nursing & Maternity Home.
IVF Wing formerly known as Parivaar Test tube baby centre started in 2004. In addition to her extensive experience in clinical practice. She was secretary of FOGSI Jalandhar for 11 Years. Now she is financial secretary of FOGSI Jalandhar. She is a life member of NARCHI. She is also life member of International menopausal society. She organized colposcopy camp in her hospital and arranged free infertility camp in rural area of Jalandhar for awareness.
In the year 1996-
40th All India Congress of Obs. & Gynae (attended as delegate) (27th– 30th Dec 1996) Armed forces medical college Puna Maharashtra .
In the year 2000-
FOGSI 44th All India Congress of obs. & Gynae held from (27th – 30th Dec 2000) Ahmedabad as a delegate.
In the year 2001-
(a.) Punjab Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association Annual Conference on 22nd April 2001 Jalandhar.
(b.) NCOC – 2001 II nd National Conference on Ovarian Cancer on (13th – 14th Oct 2001) at Ludhiana.
In the year 2002-
(a.) International Symposium and Hospi Medica Punjab 2002, 1st Dec at Jalandhar. Attended as a delegate.
(b.) FOGSI, 45th All India Congress of Obs. & Gynac (6th – 9th Jan 2002) Bhubaneswar. attended as a delegate..
(c.) Burns Update 2002 held on (20th Jan 2002) at Jalandhar (Participation Certificat)..
(d.) Yuva FOGSI Zonal Conference held at Jalandhar on (24th March 2002) FOGSI Jalandhar participated as a delegate.
In the year 2003-
(a.) All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (6th to 9th Jan 2003) Bangalore).
(b.) I.M.A. Academy of Medical Specialties Punjab Chapter CME 2003. on (2st Dec 2003)Hotel Regent Park Jalandhar.
(c.) Workshop on Programmed Labour Regime Live Demonstration & Lectures. Held on (14th Sep 2003) at Satyam Hospital, Jalandhar.
In the year 2004-
(a.) 5th India Congress on gynae laproscopy infertility & Art Organized by Rotunda , (25th – 28th Nov. 2004), Khajuraho.
(b.) AICOG 2004 at Agra participated as a delegate.
(c.) Hysteroscopy – Tradition & Future Held at Dayanand Medical College & Hospital Ludhiana on (10th July 2004) Ludhiana.
(d.) AOGP – FOGSI Organized by India college of obs. & gynecologists Jalandhar (27th – 28th March 2004)
(e.) 10th National Reproduction Technocology & Advances in Infertility Management as a delegate held on (13th, 14th, 15th, Feb 2004) Jodhpur.
In the year 2005-
(a.) Vigyaan Aur Vardaan CME held on (24th April 2005) by Vardaan Medical centre. Agra.
In the year 2006-
(a.) National Association for Reproductive & Child Health of India. Participation in Conference (6th August 2006) at Jalandhar.
(b.) Physician’s forum Jalandhar. Ultrasound workshop & 14th Annual Medicine update. Participation Certificate (18th & 19th March 2006) at Jalandhar.
(c.) Live Workshop on Non Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy (NDVH) & Minimal invasive Surgery / CME held at Kamal Hospital Jal. (31st March 2006) (FOGSI Inf. Committee & FOGSI Jalandhar Society).
(d.) 49th All India Congress of obs. & gynae. Attended Workshop as a delegate (5th to 9th Jan 2006) Kochi-Kerala.
(e.) 49th All India Congress of obs. & gynae Attended conference from (5th – 9th Jan 2006) Kochi-Kerala.
(f.) 4th World congress on Perinatel medicine for Developing countries. (29th Sep – 1st Oct 2006) Held in Hotel Mughal Sheraton Agra Participation certificate.
(g.) Wipro GE Jaypee I am Donald School CME held in Hotel Mughal Sheraton Agra (29th September 2006).
In the year 2007-
(a.) 50th All India Congress of obstetrics and Gynecology. As a delegate – (6th to 9th Jan 2007) held at Kolkata.
(b.) 50th All India Congress of obstetrics and Gynecology FOGSI – C.G Saraiya CME on (6th Jan 2007) Held at Kolkata.
In the year 2008-
(a.) CME & Live Ultrasound Workshop on (4th April 2008) FOGSI Jalandhar.
(b.) FOGSI Infertility committee (10th – 11th May 2008 National Conference & Live Workshop) held at Shivam Fertility & IVF Centre Jalandhar..
(c.) Certificate of Attendance (1st Feb 2008 All India congress of obs. & Gynae.) Sir Ganga Ram Hospital New Delhi..
(d.) 2nd Feb 2008 at the Ashok, New Delhi. All India Congress of obs. & Gynae Certificate of Attendance..
(e.) 4th Annual Conference of Indian Fertility society (13th – 14th Dec 2008) Chandigarh..
(f.) CME on Menopause (27st July 08) Jalandhar chapter..
(g.) 51 All India Congress of Obs. & gynae held from (1st – 15th Feb 2008) at the Ashok, New Delhi.
(h.) National Association for Reproductive Child Health of India. Certificate for Colposcopy Workshop (31st August 2008) at Jalandhar.
In the year 2009-
(a.) Pre Congress Workshop on “Ovarian Stimulation Protocols” (11st Dec 2009) Mumbai.
(b.) Participated as a delegate during “The ovary Unraveled 2009” (11th – 13th Dec 2009) held at Renaissance Mumbai.
(c.) All India congress of Obs. & Gynae society attended the conference as a Delegate. (5th – 8th January 2009) Jaipur.
(d.) Workshop on Practical Pointers and controversies in Infertility Management and IUI (4th January 2009) Jaipur.
(e.) Workshop on operative Live /Video Workshop cervical cancer screening & Colposcopy, Gynae once pathology / gynae onco nursing Breast Symposium. (6th Nov. 2009) Ludhiana.
(f.) 5th Lan Donald Obs. Gyn. Ultrasound Course Attended as a delegate (5th – 6th Sep 2009) at Hotel ITC Mughal Agra.
(g.) CME on Prevention & Early Detection of Cancer Cervix & Breast. At Hotel Regent Park Jalandhar (28th June 2009).
(h.) 14th National Congress on Assisted Reprocluctive Technology and advances in Infertility Management (Pune) as a delegate (31st Jan. & 1st Feb. 2009) at Pune Maharashtra.
(i.) Pre – Congress Workshop on ISAR – IFFS Workshop – Trouble Shooting in ART “Clinician’s Perspective” (30th Jan 2009) at Pune.
(j.) CME on Safe Pregnancy & Delivery. (3rd May 2009) at Regent Park Jalandhar.
(k.) National Association For Reproductive & Child Health of India (Appreciation certificate) (7th June 2009) at Jalandhar.
(l.) IInd international Conference of gynae Plastic Surgery and Live operative Workshop (21st – 22nd Feb. 2009) at Amritsar.
(m.) Pre congress Workshop on Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy (29th January 2009) at Pune.
In the year 2010-
(a.) International consensus meeting on EMBRO TRANSFER & PRE CONGRESS WORKSHOP ON Intrauterine inseminaton (2th – May 2010) at Lavasa India.
(b.) CME on (20th – June 2010) at hetel Live Workshop.
(c.) 6th National conference of Indian Fertility society on Technologies (Art) held at Nagpur on (20th to 27th Nav 2010).
(d.) District Level Workshop on Contraceptive Updates & Safe Abortion Techniques. Held on (29th – May 2010) at Hotel Regent Park Jalandhar.
(e.) CME on Menopause held on (9th May 2010) Jalandhar
(f.) Pre Congress Workshop on “Controversies in Infertility” (9th April 2010) at Kochi Kerala.
(g.) CME on Assisted Vaginal delivery (14th February 2010) jalandhar.
(h.) 53rd All India congress of Obs. & gyrae Certificate of Attendance Live Workshop on Ovulation Induction (18th January 2010) Guwahati
(i.) 53rd AICOG participated in the Scientific deliberation as a delegate (19th – 22nd Jan 2010) held at Guwahati.
In the year 2011-
(a.) Asia Pacific congress on Minimal stimulation IVF (11th – 14th Aug. 2011) – Goa.
(b.) 16th ISAR 2011 (Agra) held at hotel Jaypee Palace & International Convention Centre from 4th – 6th March 2011 as a delegate.
(c.) CME on Nine Months Nine CHALLENGES held on (25th June 2011) at Hotel Maya Jalandhar.
(d.) Workshop & CME on Hysteroscopy held on (15th May 2011) at kamal Hospital & Hotel Country Inn Jalandhar.
(e.) PIMACON – 2011, organized by Indian Medical Association Jalandhar on (18th Dec 2011) held at Jalandhar as a delegate.
(f.) ISAR Punjab chapter attended CME on ovarian Reserve & Blastocyst Culture on (1st Oct 2011) Hotel Radisson Jalandhar.
(g.) CME on Endometriosis Unwinding the Mystery & Managing the Agory Cheld on 25th September 2011) Jalandhar Participation certificate.
(h.) Certificate of participation as a delegate preventing preg wastage conference (30th Oct 2011) at New Delhi.
(i.) Attendance Certificate as a delegate on the 7th Annual National conference of Indian Fertility Society at India Habitat Center, New Delhi held on (17th – 18th Dec 2011) at Jaipur Golden Hospital New Delhi.
(j.) Annual Conference of National neonatology forum held on (21st August 2011) Jalandhar Academy of Pediatrics Participated as a delegate.
(k.) Certificate of participation in 7th ART Update 2011 held on (23rd -24th 2011) at Timber Trail Heights Parwanoo (H.P.)
(l.) Participation Certificate in 54th AICOG 2011 held from (5th – 9th Jan 2011) at Hyderabad International Convention Center Hyderabad.
In the year 2012-
(a.) 8thART Update 2012 (2nd – 3rd June 2012) Participate as a delegate. Held at kasauli Resort H.P.
(b.) Indian Menopause Society, CME on Simplifying Menopause Management (18th March 2012) at Jalandhar.
(c.) 8th International Symposium India 2012, Workshop on Foetal growth & obstetric Doppler (May 31st to June 3rd 2012) at Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi.
(d.) 17th National Conference of Indian Society for assisted reproduction (1st – 4th March 2012) held at Hotel VW Canyon Raipur as a delegate.
(e.) 8th International Symposium India held on (31st May – 3rd June 2012) Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi Participated as a Delegate.
In the year 2013-
(a.) 56th All India Congress of Obs. & Gynae. (Precongress Workshop on operative Hysteroscopy) 16th January 2013 at 56th AICOG 2013 Mumbai.
(b.) Workshop on contraceptive choices and cervix cancer (24th February 2013) at Hotel Regent Park Jalandhar..
(c.) 56th All India congress of Obs. & Gynae (Certificate of Participation) (16th – 20th Jan 2013) at 56th AICOG 2013 Mumbai. .
(d.) CME on Tuberculosis – Recent Trends (27th Jan 2013) SRL Clinical Laboratory Beas.
In the year 2014-
(a.) Workshop on high Risk Pregnancy (18th May 2014) Hotel Country Inn Jalandhar.
(b.) State Conference Sonocom 2014 attended the conference as a delegate Sun (23rd Nov 2014) Hotel Regent Park Jalandhar.
(c.) 1st Regional conference of society of foetal medicine Ludhiana chapter.( attended participant as a delegate ) (20th July 2014) Ludhiana Chapter.
(d.) 10th Annual National conference of Indian Fertility Society controversies & consensus in art Management Workshop for ultrasound in art held on (19th December 2014) at Pune.
(e.) 10th Annual National conference of Indian Fertility Society as Participated in Fertioision 2014 Organized by Western Maharashtra Chapter P.F.S (20th – 21st Dec 2014) Pune.
(f.) 1st Regional Conference Society of Fetal Medicine Chandigarh Chapter Participation in the Fetal Medicine CME held (12nd October 2014) Chandigarh.
(g.) 1st Regional Conference of society of fetal Medicine Ludhiana Chapter held on (20th July 2014) as a delegate.
(h.) Participation certificate of FOGSI Cipla key programmer on family welfare and MTP.
(i.) IMSCON 2014 as a delegate of 19th National conference of Indian menopause Society held on (21st -23rd Feb 2014) at Hotel Radisson Blue, Agra.
(j.) 19th National Conference of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction. Pre Congress workshop On Ovulation Induction as a Delegate held on (14th – 16th Feb 2014) Ahmedabad.
(k.) Certificate of Participation in state conference SONOCOM 2014 (23rd Nov 2014) Jalandhar.
In the year 2015-
(a.) CME on – Update on Ethics & continuum care in Obs. Gynae (15th Nav 2015) at Dayanand Medical & Hospital Ludhiana.
(b.) Live operative workshop & CME.(20th Sep 2015) Patel Hospital Jalandhar.
(c.) 11th Annual National conference of India fertility Society (Fertivesian 2015) Certificate of Participation (5th – 6th Dec 2015) The Ashok, New Delhi.
(d.) OBG Update 2015 (PIMS) attended as a Chairperson (12th Sep 2015) Jalandhar.
(e.) AICOG Chennai (58th All India congress of Obs. & Gynae) Attended conference as a delegate (22nd – 25th Jan 2015).
(f.) AICOG Chennai, participated in the workshop ART & Fertility preventative at AICOG 2015 on (21st Jan 2015).
(g.) Certificate Participation in “Hands – On Traiving in Hysteroscopy” held by Borze USA, Heager Germany & Dr. OSAMA SHAWKI on (26th – 27th June 2015) Delhi.
(h.) Certificate of Participation in 20th IMSCON 2015 Organized by IMS held at . Indore On (20th, 21st, 22nd Feb 2015).
In the year 2016-
(a.) CME and ART Workshop (1sty – 2nd 2016) at Club Cabbana Resort Jalandhar (Certificate of Participation)
(b.) CME / ART Workshop (24th April 2016) at Harpal Tiwana Performing Patiala.
(c.) 22nd IFFS World Congress participation certificate in Pre congress workshop Advanced ART Workshop held on (21st – 25th Sep 2016) at Greater NOIDA.
In the year 2017-
(a.) Sifcon 2017 Endometriosis Summit (10th Sep 2017) Mohali at Hotel J.W. Marriott, Chandigarh.
(b.) 60th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology as Delegate on (27th – 29th Jan 2017) at Ahmedabad.
(c.) Workshop need & Scope of Hysteroscopy and Colposcopy in Modern Era on (25th Jan 2017) at Ahmedabad.
(d.) CME on Hysteroscopy on (11th June 2017) Jalandhar.
(e.) IMS. Zonal conference North Jalandhar. Holistic Health – Urological Issue Workshop on (6th May 2017 at Patel Hospital) Jalandhar.
(f.) Gynecologic Oncology 2017 As a Delegate (15th -16th April 2017) Organized by Patel Hospital at Hotel Country Inn & Suites Jalandhar.
(g.) ISAR 2017 – 22nd Annual congress of Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction ISAR 2017 Held on (21th – 23th April 2017) at Hotel Hyatt Regency, Gurugram Haryana.
(h.) Certificate of participation in FOGSI great workshop PCOS through the Ages under the aegis of FOGSI Endocrinology committee on (3rd Feb 2017) at Hotel Best Western Jalandhar.
(i.) 33rd Annual meeting of ESHREE in Geneva, Switzerland held on (2nd July – 5th July 2017).